Saturday was not as fun, but it was just as busy. Soccer with the youngest, some shopping and cleaning. I managed to get a few moments of "study time" for photography and looked over my books for some ideas and tips for yesterday's sessions. I am learning more each session and loving it. This week will be filled with the usual family chaos and photo edits. I promised the Hoverson family their pictures would be ready for review by Friday and I have until 31 Oct to submit Lo's senior portrait/s to her school for the yearbook. There are so many good ones so I hope we can decide! Here are 2 from yesterday (I took them with my cell phone off the screen of my camera!! I loved them and had to share right away. I cannot wait until I get edits and touch-ups done):
Everything else has been background noise - some soothing and some not! I was able to spend some quality girl time with 2 of my favorite ladies on Friday night over a bottle of wine and laughter. That was much needed! I still have plans for my future but am working out all the details and getting things lined up. It's been a long time coming and will hopefully bring clarity to a lot of things.
Off to work I go! (the one I have to leave home for!)