How many more days am I destined to suffer your memory
were we not connected somehow
do I wait
do you wait
is it worth the wait
will we even meet again
what the hell am I even waiting for
I miss the conversations
be it small talk
I just miss you
contending with these thoughts is unfair and angers me so
I cannot put a stop to it
I never asked for them
I never told you to give them to me
so, why is it that you went away
thinking only of yourself
and whatever the hell you thought I did to you
you knew all along
I didn't know how to handle any of it
I don't know now
but the fucking feelings won't stop
look at the time
how much of it has passed
yet, here I sit
tears running down my face
not knowing how being me
your friend perhaps
could turn you away
you left me
you abandoned me
another day will not come
where I will feel what I felt in that moment
solely the moment when it all became recognizable
never will a day arrive where my heart
will beat
as fast
as it did
when your presence incited it in such a way
I am brokenhearted over a heart I never had
or was it one I had all along
your essence
all that is and shall remain mysterious and hidden
you could never pretend
I could never pretend
I don't want to pretend
I want you to know
the rest is clandestine
why does me missing you
make you feel so afraid
unable to be
I did not heed warnings
from those we knew
for I was not setting out on a venture
to attain what they
what you
thought I wanted
why is it so outlandish
to want someone
to be in my life
a piece of my existence
is it so hard to be
or are you too much a coward
what makes you so much better
how do you justify turning your back
I did not want a figment
I am not content with a mere collection of memories
emotions may become carried away
but they don't disappear
they don't run away
you left me
and I am mad at you
I am mad that my heart is big enough to allow
unintended souls
I'm tired of making room for incapable hearts
of cowardly investors
I will remain angry for the days to come
all the days to come
the burden you thought I put on you
was a cowardly attempt at justification
don't think you know me
don't think you knew me back then
don't think you understood what was happening
don't think of yourself as a better person for doing so.
Pissed off on 5/9/14
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