Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I've been thinking about what motivates me to write; you know, the stuff that REALLY motivates... 
I look back over the things I've written and realize that each time I was sad or depressed about something I wrote a whole lot more than when life is good and I am happy.  I tend to write when I am angry... why is this?  Why is it that my "creative juices" are fueled by unhappy moments in life?

Monday, May 9, 2011


Ok!  Not the best title, but I did fail to meet my goal of completing the PAD challenge.  A lot happened in a small amount of time in my life and I did become distracted.  So, I am not a failure, I just failed to complete and submit the April 2011 PAD challenge poems.  This does not mean that I will not use the prompts and write, I just won't be able to submit them in the contest. 

I still plan on publishing an Ebook and am very close to completing that project; a little editing and final revisions and I should be done.  My new goal is to have this completed by May 15.  My mother-in-law will be arriving on May 17, and with my husband working 12-hour shifts for the 3rd straight week, this may be a challenging task.  I have to make sure the house is picked up and up to par, the kids are taken care of and all the joys of parenting... AND submit an Ebook.  I look forward to this challenge.